Regin -جدیدترین و پیچیده ترین ویروس جهان
شرکت امنیتی سیمانتک اعلام کرد ویروس سایبری جدید به نام “رگین ” کشف کرده است. که می توانید پس از نفوذ به کامپیوتر تمامی رمزهای عبور را بدزدد و اطلاعات حذف شده را بازیابی کند. این ویروس یکی از پیچیده ترین بدافزارهای جاسوسی جهان است که تاکنون کشف شده است. و با هدف سرقت اطلاعات و دستیابی به تمامی رمزهای عبور ذخیره شده بر روی کامپیوتر مدنظر و همچنین بازیابی اطلاعات حذف شده از سیستم طرف مقابل طراحی شده است.
رگین پیشرفته ترین ویروس و بدافزار جهان است که تاکنون کشف شده است. و شباهت زیادی با استاکس نت دارد.
شرکت سیمانتک اعلام کرده است به احتمال زیاد این ویروس توسط یک دولت ایجاد شده است. ویروس Regin از سال 2008 تا کنون فعالیت داشته است.
Regin یک تروجان backdoor است. و به صورت مخفیانه در پس زمینه ویندوز فعالیت می کند. این ویروس برای جاسوسی از سازمان های دولتی و غیر دولتی, افراد و شرکت های خصوصی ساخته شده است.
روسیه با 28 درصد, ایرلند و مکزیک هر کدام 9 درصد, عربستان صعودی 24 درصد کشورهای هستند بیشترین حملات را از جانب ویروس رگین را داشته اند.
A recently discovered computer virus is so sophisticated and complex it was most likely created by a government.
The computer firm Symantec’s view of the “Regin” computer bug is that it’s created by a government and the virus has been active since 2008 at least.
According to Symantec’s research, Regin is incredibly sophisticated and has been used as a tool to systematically spy on various international targets. Regin is a complex backdoor Trojan whose design shows a technical competence degree very rarely seen before, Symantec claims in their report regarding the virus.
“Customizable with an extensive range of capabilities depending on the target, it provides its controllers with a powerful framework for mass surveillance and has been used in spying operations against government organizations, infrastructure operators, businesses, researchers, and private individuals.”
Symantec said.
Symantec also said Region is so well-written and detailed that the bug’s functions reveal a level of means achievable only by a nation state. The company said that once the Region virus in in a computer it is able to control the mouse, take screenshots, access deleted files and steal passwords.
The most targeted countries by Regin are Russia with 28 percent, followed by Ireland at 9 percent, Mexico at also 9 percent and Saudi Arabia at 24 percent. Half of the attacks targeted small businesses or private individuals.
The internet users worldwide are already on alert because of recent attacks on websites and data in the recent months. Snapchat, iCloud and eBay are three of the leading services to have been attacked by the recent cyber hacks, with passwords and images being compromised.
This latest threat regarding the Regin bug comes less than a week after feeds hosted by a website of thousands of webcams were posted on the internet. Hackers were able to log in them because numerous users had not changed the password that comes by default on their devices.